SEO Graph Portfolio

A Collection of SEO Graphs That I Have Made

SEO is all about graphs! Need to capitalize on a point in a way to speaks to the people you work for? A graph is the way to do it.

Here is a portfolio of the SEO graphs that I have made in the past.

If you need a graph created for your SEO project, please use the form at the bottom of this page to submit your idea! or ask me on Twitter!


Table of Contents

The Original SEO Graph

Sure, everyone knows how to do classic, boring SEO – but do you know how to do SEO)))? Here is an infographic that I made called “The beginner’s guide to SEO)))”.


Graph for Requesting More Money From Your SEO Clients

I was commissioned by OHGM to make this graph. They needed something to show to a client that would bring in more money. Their specific request being, “I need to show how when you give me money you have less money and I have more money.” This is a very common need in the SEO world. Here is what I was able to come up with. I have not checked in with OHGM on how this performed, but I imagine they were able to use it as a major talking point during the recent #OHGMCon event.

need more money from seo clients


Graph to Show The Similarities Between Old People and Marketers

Of course, not all marketers are old, but all old people are marketers.

old marketers



Years Spent Doing SEO vs Level of Personal Suffering

This was a very interesting study that was commissioned by a fellow Twitter user, Tom Blackshire. Tom asked, “Big fan of your work. Could I get a graph with years spent doing SEO on the x-axis, suffering on the y-axis, please? Suffering YoY increase.” – What a wonderful question! We conducted a study and found that there is a very interesting correlation between years spent doing SEO and the amount of suffering endured. Take a look at the data!

seo suffering


Is Posting Your Products on Hacker News Worth it?

In short, the answer is: Probably not. I was chatting with Patrick Hathaway, co-founder of URL Profiler and Sitebulb, about the copious amount of troll comments on Hacker News. This raised the question: Is posting your products on hacker news worth it? After diving into this question, I was able to create a visual graph to help Patrick (and you!) see if posting on Hacker News is truly worth it.

is posting on Hackernews worth it

How Do Common Character Traits Align With Today’s Top Digital Marketing Jobs?

I recently conducted this study, and OH BOY is this one exciting! I was commissioned to create this by the great Twitter user, Wayne Barker (of Boom Online). Here is what Wayne asked for: “Spider graphs detailing the different traits of digital marketers by department.” Easy enough! 

I started this particular graphical adventure thinking this would be a boring, run-of-the-mill study, however I was immediately shocked when I uncovered the fact that every social media manager HATES DOGS?!?! WHAT???

Take a look at this graph to see the data for yourself!

Traits for marketers


If you’ve worked in SEO for any amount of time, you have probably seen some pure-shit links pointing to your (or your clients’) site. This is because the SEO gods told our SEO predecessors that this was bad ass – and honestly, it was. However, what do you do when you want to remove these bad links now, in order to avoid getting hit by Google’s Penguin Algorithm? This was a topic up for debate in this weeks #SEMRushChat. My good friend Devin asked if I could create a graph of how often “asking for a site to remove your link” works. I decided to make a quick comparison graph to determine the best way to remove spam links from your back link portfolio. Enjoy!

disavowing links


Twitter #Growthhacking: An ROI Comparison

If you are a marketer, you may often find yourself staring blankly into your phone and asking, “Oh gee. How can I get more retweets?” Honestly, this is a great question to ask, because getting a single retweet on the Twitter website can bring in loads of new business. But how do you do it?

Well this graph compares the ROI (Retweet on Investment) of two fantastic Twitter Growth Hacking techniques that are used quite commonly today. I do hope that this helps you along the way in your upcoming Twitter adventures.

Thank you to Oliver Mason for helping with the research of this SEOGraph. Please Retweet it. Please.

roi twitter

If you are a link builder, you have probably found yourself asking, “What are some good link building outreach tactics can I employ to bring in sweet, sweet links (AKA $$$)”. This can be a tough question to answer, because there is a massive amount of factors that play into whether or not you get a link. Is your link relevant? Does your pitch email suck? Is the webmaster you’re emailing being a giant crybaby today??? Any of these things can hinder your ability to get a link.

I put together this study to showcase the ROI of some of today’s most popular link building tactics.

link outreach tactics graph

Comparing CRO Tactics

Fellow SEO))) and rocker, Dan Callis, reached out to me asking, “I need a graph that demonstrates how a nihilistic approach to life correlates with CRO.

The world of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) can be a big, shitty nightmare. Countless A/B tests can lead you to spending a lot of time and money – only to yield no results. Fortunately, there are ways to fight fire with fire in this scenario. This SEO Graph helps bring Dan’s idea to life, and shows how a nihilistic approach to CRO can increase your brand’s ROI.

cro tactics


Sculpting SEO Page Titles that Work

I had an interesting request from my good friend, Dean Cruddace, regarding how adding “The Ultimate Guide” to a page’s title tag changes user behavior. The original question was regarding whether or not the engagement changes if the piece is fact or fiction. Interestingly enough, it doesn’t matter! WOAH! This study helps visualize the effects of adding “The Ultimate Guide” to an otherwise BORING piece of content. The results are probably exactly what you think!

I even threw in a bonus test, and tested adding a few other words like “DIY” and “HACKS” & “10x Content”! Enjoy!


Comparing the ROI of Today’s Top SEO Tactics

Understanding the ROI (return on investment) of SEO ($earch Engine Optimization) can be a PITA (PAIN IN THE ASS). Often times, ROI is a statistic that can be easily overlooked! Here is a quick comparison of the ROI of today’s top SEO tactics!

seo tactic roi


How to Make Barry Adams Lose His Shit

Not a lot of explanation needed. Here is a consequence analysis of things you could do to make Barry Adams lose his shit. DISCLAIMER: Use this data with caution. 

Barry adams indexation sensation


What SEO Tactics Are Actually Being Done?

This SEO graph was commissioned by my friend, Nick Eubanks of Traffic Think Tank & I’m From the Future. Nick reached out asking, “Could I get a graph on amount of SEO that is read and written about vs. actually done?” This is a very valid question.

This graph helps visualize the comparison of SEO being written about vs. actually being done. However, I broke it up by SEO tactics – rather than SEO as a whole (that graph was too depressing for anyone to see).


seo tactics written vs done


What Slides Should You Use in Your Pitch Presentation?

Jared McKiernan was talking on twitter about some of the worst slides that should absolutely NOT be included in your pitch presentations. I put his advice together in an SEO Graph to help you visualize the data! If you are trying to get your boss’s buy-in on a project, here are some things you should/should not do!

business pitch presentation slides

If you’ve been following the SEO & Link Building community today, you’ve probably heard a lot of talk about what buying links means. Spoiler alert: You have probably paid for links. I put together this graph to help you find if you have actually paid for links.

Thank you to Ragil for talking me into making this.

paying for links


If you’re thinking about getting into link building, it is important to understand what to expect. Sure there are guides out there that teach you how to find sites and send link building outreach emails, but this SEO Graph really details how things will look for you.

link building 101

What Do SEOs Do?

Ever wondered what an SEO does on a day-to-day basis? Whether you’re a business owner looking to hire an SEO, or you’re an SEO sitting at your desk thinking, “What should I do today?”, this SEO graph will help break down the day-to-day workflow of an SEO.

Pro tip: Wincing is harder than you think.



How Many People Are Building Links?

This study was brought to life by a conversation between my friends Devin and Gisele. They asked, “How many people are building links?”. Well, if you’re a link builder, you know there are two kinds of people in the industry: Link Builders and Stink Builders. However, the data between these two groups proves to be shocking!

link building vs stink building

How to Hire an SEO Expert

Hiring an SEO Expert can be an incredibly tough task, because most businesses don’t know what to look for. Today’s business people have no time to dabble in SEO-circles – hell, most of them won’t even have time to smile at emojis – so it is important for them to know what exactly they should look for when hiring an SEO expert. Here is an SEO graph that I created to help businesses along the SEO-hiring journey.

how to hire an seo expert


The Best Method for Pagination in 2018

Matthew from Portent recently published a really badass guide to pagination methods (Your should go check it out). However, I couldn’t help but notice that they had completely forgotten one pagination method – Abandoning pagination entirely and moving every page on your site to the home page. You can see that the study found that this allows your your one-page website to generate nothing but money!

pagination graph


Real Life Keyword Research

This SEO Graph was commissioned by my friend David Cohen. They requested a search volume opportunity analysis for “Cheap Tide Pods” vs “Tide Pod Challenge”.

I know what you’re thinking. Yes – I did hate myself every second of making this. However, David is a good friend, and there is some interesting data in this study! Search volume data is from KeywordsEverywhere.

tide pod keyword analysis

Finding the Optimal SEO Candidate

This SEO Graph was commissioned by the number one carpet niche SEO himself, Kevin Bland. There are several characteristics that make up an SEO, and Kevin sent over this data set regarding this phenomenon.

God damn you, Kevin.


Optimal SEO candidate


TechnicalSEO.Expert Difficulty

I created an SEO Graph for the amazing Alexis Sanders to showcase the difficulty of her technical SEO puzzle. Spoiler alert: it is more difficult than making Barry Adams change his Twitter bio to, “The Indexation Station”.

technicalseo expert graph


Finding the Perfect SEO Client

Finding the perfect SEO client can be a daunting task for any agency or freelancer. With client expectations at an all time high, and budgets at a new low, finding the middle ground is tough. Fellow “Link Boy”, SEO))) acquaintance, and my good friend Tony Randall sent over some data on how to find the perfect client.

client expectations SEO


Thank you for viewing my SEO graph portfolio. If you need a graph or info graphic made, please use the form below or ask me on Twitter!